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Report 2016

The 2016 report highlights the trends identified on all continents. Managers, experts, professors and researchers in online higher education in management denote a clear interest in the following topics in order of importance:

1.The organization, management and policies of higher education online including quality and strategy.
2. The teaching-learning process mediated by information technologies and communication in management.
3. The incorporation of technological resources being a fundamental aspect the digital strategy developed.

The topics of interest in which these three broad areas are broken down are distinct for each continent. This report identifies these interests, on the one hand from OBServatory's own research, and on the other hand through the analysis of secondary sources.

The sources consulted are the Business Source Complete (EBSCO), ISI Web of Knowledge and Scopus databases, with the key words being used: online higher education in management, online teaching and learning processes in management, online higher education in management institutions. The report brings together the themes and topics found for each of the continents and geographical areas in this order: Europe, Australia, North America, South America and Africa.

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