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e-learning Tendences

23 July 2018

E-learning Industry, an institution focused on analyzing international e-learning development. e-learning Industry has published the annual report which includes the evolution and change of the e-learning market. The forecasts of this institution are optimistic in the sense that the increase in budget allocations to online education programs is included (e-learning Industry, 2018).

Also new technologies trends and emerging resources favor online education for the coming years. These trends support the role of social learning within the teaching-learning process.

Despite this, the global e-learning industry is complex since technological trends and innovations in general lead to changes in priorities. In this sense, the tendencies identified are the following:

  • Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR).
  • Intelligent assistants / Chatbots taking Siri as an iPhone reference.
  • The gamification and the learning based on games.
  • Adaptive and personalized learning.
  • Microlearning
  • The content curation that has experienced growth due to new open source resources.
  • Interactive learning based on videos.
  • The social learning
  • The workforce enablement to boost memory.